Tony Hansen, Stolen Generation Advocate
Genocide in the Wildflower State is a documentary film about the violent, state-run system of eugenics and racial absorption, executed between 1905 and 1970 in Western Australia.
The Documentary is produced by Yokai Healing Our Spirit, the peak body representing the Stolen Generations in WA
“This is truth, justice and healing and it’s also part of our journey to make the state government of WA accountable to right the wrongs and to pay compensation to the stolen generation. West Australia and Queensland, are the only two states that have not paid compensation. West Australia was the first state to say ‘sorry’ but we are going to have the old saying where people will look at us and say ‘Wait Awhile”. Sadly, that’s what we’re doing. We are the richest state in the country and sadly our survivors are dying. When they pass away, they sadly get nothing. We ask the government of this state to recognise the wrongs of the past and correct them. Let’s walk together in truth and reconciliation.”
The premiere of the film takes place in a special screening this Sunday (28th April) at the Luna in Leederville, Boorloo/Perth with a welcome to Country.
On Friday 10th May there is a second screening at 12 noon in Albany Town Hall.
Executive Producer Tony Hansen, who also appears in the film, says sharing the experiences is important because this is recent history that impacted lives of Aboriginal people living in WA.