Noongar woman, Clare Stack has been recognised for her outstanding contribution at Broome High School facilitating the ‘Cultural leaders Program’ at the State School Teachers Union conference in Perth over the weekend.

Ms Stack told Ngaarda Media that ten students are chosen based on good behaviour to be part of the ‘Cultural Leaders Program.’

“We empower these students and teach them all the skills of leadership. Our aim is for them to become leaders to go back to the community and continue leadership.

Principal Mathew Burt says he is proud of Ms Stacks achievements.

“It’s an outstanding achievement and It’s showing the community a positive side to what we are doing with students in school. “

Ms Stack is now a nominee for the AEU Arthur Hamilton national award.

Cultural Leaders Graduation. Photo supplied by Mathew Burt

Clare Stack
Tangiora Hinaki
Tangiora Hinaki